We’re Anne-Marie Miller and Tanya Zielke, based in Cambridge. We’ve worked together in graphic design for over 12 years and between us we’ve got more than 35 years experience under our belts.
Before Carbon Orange blossomed, we were the graphic design team for a large global corporation. Corporate branding, tradeshow graphics, photography, marketing collateral, keynote presentations – we did it all!
Plus we’ve designed for the educational sector, produced regional weekly magazines and collaborated with artists on public installations. So what you’re getting with us really is a diverse and complementary set of design skills.
Some random facts
Held a national junior archery record
Has overcome a fear of public speaking
In an alternative universe, would be a super sleuth
Has had over 20 different hairstyles
Has dived with sharks in Australia and Fiji
Is a hoarder of retro Scandi goods
Cheese Addict
Hates Sauvignon Blanc
(thinks it smells of cat wee)
carbon ... orange ...?
You may be thinking “What an unusual name. How clever and creative of them. They must have thought about the element carbon and how it forms a vast number of compounds, more than any other element, so is often referred to as the “king of the elements”. The colour orange – associated with joy and creativity.”
Er, no. It’s not that we didn’t think long and hard about our name over several glasses of wine and it’s not the fact the we aren’t highly intelligent, which of course we are. But the truth of it is, it was quite literally staring us in the face from the shelf in our office.
In 2012 Anne-Marie went for a month long sabbatical so Tanya created a stand-in “Anne-Marie” with the nearest things to hand – a tangerine and a couple of drawing pins. Tangerine Anne-Marie has shrivelled and hardened over time (the real Anne-Marie is not quite as shrivelled and hard), but has always been there for support and to bounce ideas off. It was then Tanya’s turn to go on sabbatical and as Tangerine Anne-Marie had been so supportive we thought the real Anne-Marie would benefit from a Satsuma Tanya. And so she came to be.
They have been our companions for many years. It seemed only right that our company name evolved from them.